About The Author

Pictured: Me, channeling my inner Lawrence of Arabia at the Westmoreland County Fair

Hello, if you're reading this then I hope you learned from and enjoyed the exhibit I made about Sister Rosalie O'Hara. 

My name is Austin R. Hodge, I'm a 21 year-old student from the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (sorry-not-sorry to all the Seton Hill loyalists) with a major in History and a minor in Political Science. History is my greatest passion, and I am very privileged to have had the opportunity to make this exhibit to immortalize Sister Rosalie and cement her as a permanent part of our own local history here in Greensburg.

I took the position of intern here because, frankly, I didn't know much about the local Catholic History, let alone the Sisters' history, which is a shame, because the Sisters have done so much since the foundation of their community, and I feel like it deserves more recognition. From opening a hospital for single mothers in the late 1800s to Sister Rosalie's national campaign for improving education, the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill have achieved so much despite all the adversity they have faced. The experience here has definitely broadened my worldview, and I look forward to doing similar work in my future career.

I'd like to give a personal thanks to Casey Bowser, the current Archivist, for reaching out to me about this position, to Sister Louise, the former Archivist, for maintaining the Archives, and to the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill as a whole for their good work and in giving me this unique opportunity to explore the history of such a community of excellent women.

About The Author: Austin R. Hodge